Enrol Here

Online Enrolment
1. Visa Requirements
Global English Centre Student Visa
- Complete the enrolment form and send it together with the appropriate fees to your Global English Centre representative or direct to Global English Centre.
- Upon receipt we will send you the enrolment confirmation.
2. Pre-Departure Information
Global English Centre staff would like to welcome you to Global English Centre. We look forward to your arrival and to helping you make your stay enjoyable and successful.
To help you prepare for your trip we have compiled the following information which, we believe, will help you adapt more quickly to a new country, climate, english language centre, customs and lifestyle.
3. Conditions of Enrolment / Cancellation and Refund Policy
Before enroling online please read our “Conditions of Enrolment / Cancellation and Refund Policy”. If you should have any questions regarding our Cancellation and Refund Policy please contact us.
4. Enrol Online or Fax Enrolment Form
For online enrolments please complete the following online form.